
SCBOA Uniforms

This button will take you to the website.  They are a Smitty dealer.  There you can order the South Carolina basketball official’s shirt  as well as other basketball official’s apparel.


This button will bring up the CRBOA application for new officials. The application should be completed and submitted to the Treasurer.


This button will download the CRBOA application for renewal of membership. All renewals must be sent to the Secretary. The Secretary will process and forward the appropriate data to IAABO.

High School League Forms

This link will download the physical form. This form must be sent to the District Director before any assignment can be made.


This link will take you to the SCHSL online ejection form which must be received by the High School League office no later than noon of the day after an ejection of a coach, player or fan at any level (varsity, JV, B or middle school). There is no need to fax the form.

Arbiter Pay

Arbiter Pay

This button will take you to where you can set up your Arbiter Pay account.  An account is required in order to receive payment for officiating services from schools that pay this way.