Warning For Delay…Free Throws…There seems to be some confusion about when a warning for delay infraction occurs during free throw administration. As defined in the Rules Book, a warning for delay occurs when either team huddles in the lane prior to a free throw. It also occurs if contact with the free thrower delays the administration of the ensuing free throw…. Read more »
Professionalism…Professionalism is something that is expected of all officials at all times. Common traits include integrity, punctuality, consistency and being dressed appropriately. It means following the accepted protocols for performing one’s duties. This means being on time and, if circumstances prevent this, notifying our partner(s) about the issue. Professionalism covers all interactions that officials have with players, coaches, fans, table… Read more »
Slapping The Backboard…It is a technical foul if a player slaps the backboard while a try or a tap is in flight, or is touching the backboard or is in the basket or is in the imaginary cylinder above the basket. The purpose of the rule is to penalize intentional contact with the backboard. A player who contacts the backboard so… Read more »
Shot Clock…The SCHSL has approved a 35-second shot clock as an optional rule for non-region, varsity games. It is important that we administer this rule as written for the SCHSL and not our personal interpretations of what it should be. First, All RESETS of the shot clock are to 35 seconds. Reports have come in that some officials have mistakenly… Read more »
Substitution Protocols… The responsible official shall display the Stop clock signal until the process is completed and the number of players on the court has been verified. The palm of the hand being used should face the official who is responsible for resuming play. The process being completed means that the replaced players have left the floor and are in… Read more »
Then beginning of the regular season is upon us. Some things to pay attention to as we embark on the journey through the school season. Please make sure all players are properly uniformed. Consistent enforcement of uniform rules now makes it easier for all of us as the season progresses. A summary of the uniform rules is shown below. We… Read more »
Scrimmages are underway. One piece of feedback coming out of the scrimmages is that we, as a group, need to do a better job of ruling fouls in handchecking situations. Rule 10-7-12 instructs an official that those specific items listed are always a foul regardless of the effect the contact has. Let’s be reminded that handchecking fouls usually involve the… Read more »
Substitution Protocols…Different circumstances in the game will result in different officials handling substitution requests. It does not matter who is handling a substitution process (and in some cases, this responsibility may be passed from one official to another as after a made free throw). The responsibilities are the same. The responsible official shall display the Stop clock signal until the… Read more »
Three Person Crew-Lead Positioning…Please review lead official positioning in your handbook. Some of us are getting “stuck” at the B position when we should either be at the A position or the C position. Closing down because the Lead anticipates a rotation is okay. However, staying there when the ball widens toward the sideline on the Lead’s side of the… Read more »
Bonus Free Throw Situations…Please increase your awareness of the fact that bonus free throw situations sometimes “sneak up” on us. If you have had a number of fouls in a quarter, confirm with the scorer the number of team fouls that have occurred before you put the ball in play via a throw-in. This can help to prevent a correctable… Read more »